Week 12

(26/04/2021 - 30/04/2021)

Activity :

1. FYP2 Briefing: Preparation Writing Technical Paper
2. Share survey question in WhatsApp

Objective :

1. To participate in the FYP23 Briefing
2. To share the survey question in WhatsApp

Content / Procedure :

FYP2 Briefing: Preparation Writing Technical Paper

This week, FYP students have to attend FYP Briefing on Preparation Writing Technical Paper. The speaker is Sir Mohamad Syaiful Osman.

Share survey question in WhatsApp

After editing the survey question. My supervisor has approved to share the survey question to any WhatsApp group.

My target respondents must:
  • 18 years old and above
  • Working in a hospital or clinic

Conclusion :

I am able to share the survey question to the WhatApps group and will update the result of the survey question next week.
